Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Two Day Hairstyle

Here is an example of a two-day hairstyle.
Well, two hairstyles that go over days.

Day 1:

Side view

Back view

Day 2:

P.S. Do you like my new shirt & cardigan?(; I def sauce do!


I have blue eyes.
I like my blue eyes.
Especially when I wear a blue shirt.
Or blue earrings.
Like this day:

P.S. I know it looks like I am about to break into tears.
P.S.S. It's not edited. Don't make fun of me. Just look at the colors.
P.S.S.S I'm going to Germany tomorrowww. Whuddup?(:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Script Version 1.

The past few days I have gotten a lot done with the movie idea. See the post below for elaboration.
Today I wrote the entire script.
Like the entire script.
I am using Celtx, which is an online program that organizes it correctly.
Hopefully tomorrow I will finish the storyboard, which explains the actions (but not dialogue) a lot more thoroughly.
I can picture the movie in my mind (don't laugh) and like have a few ideas for settings.
Fingers crossed that this will work out!

Calling All Actors

I have been taking a class called Media Studies for the past few months. Since I came late, I was just put in a group with three other girls who had already began making the title sequence that was required as course work. Their film literally consisted of two girls walking through the mud and then the forest to find a scary old shack. They go into the shack and one goes to take a picture and when the flash goes off you see a person covered in blood on the floor. The photographer turns her head and does not see the girl leaving the suspense for the rest of the film. I couldn't find the real video, but here is a VERY good video for the same coursework:

Having witnessed that process (altough I wasn't there for the filming) I was inspired to make a similar video. Instead of doing just a title sequence, I would like to do a 5-8 minute short film. Random fact about me: when I am walking alone I get into a personal bubble that cannot be popped. I begin creating scenes in my head. After piecing these together, I have decided that I actually think I could do it. I could direct and produce my own short film. With the help of others' homes and acting skills, obviously. It would be very lost cost because, well, I'm don't have much money, but I think it would be a great experience. I have already written a short summary with camera directions and all. I have been researching how to write scripts and such, which has been fun. I am planning on doing this for the mandatory graduation project (or similar project) when I return in just 6 weeks (whoa). It will not be easily, I know, but I think I will learn a lot. My sister already owns a nice camcorder that I could hopefully borrow and if other people agree to act and help with small props, I really think this dream of mine is possible. If you have any suggestions or have time or skills to offer please comment below or email me and I will get back to you.
P.S. Another "inspiration" was this video. Amazing acting, camera shots, and storyline.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Changes in my life.

If you exclude my previous post,I haven't posted in nearly three weeks. Changes since that post:
(P.S. This is not any order)
My granddaddy passed away.

I visited North Carolina.
I wore shorts more than two days in a row.
Wore two new hairstyles.

Got new jewelry.
Flew over the Atlantic Ocean twice.
Had my room tepeed.
Vacuumed the downstairs of my house.
Ate at S&Ts.
Visited London.

Discovered the best (and funniest) YouTube Channel:
Became single.
Tried to follow brownie recipe directions from the said YouTube Channel.
Failed at making brownie off YouTube directions.
Ate Funfetti cake.
Turned 16.

Been to the second funeral of my lifetime.
Cried more than I have in months.
Slept on a water bed.
Dyed my hair.
Went to school for the first time in a month.
Saw my Grandma for the first time in four months.
Morphed into a tiger due to a spray tan mishap.
Began watching Friends obsessively.
Watched the Pretty Little Liars season premier.
Made a friend named Leah at a funeral.
Went to Pizza Inn for the first time.

Tried to break into a pool.
Saw my mom for the first time in 3 weeks.
Saw Pirates 4.
Watched X-Men.
Made my first online friend.
Got told I Love You by an Australian (see post: Charbel24)
Found of Charbel24 was about 10 years older than me
Went tubing.

Discovered how much fun Words With Friends is
Had to say goodbye to my friends AGAIN
Counted that I will be back in NC in 6 weeks
Fell in love with Chris Moerman
Typed this post.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Usually I am very secretive when it comes to strangers. Like, I don't friend people I don't know on Facebook, I don't talk to random people, and I am scared to death of rapists. Yesterday, I was playing WordsWithFriends (so addicting) and met username charbel24. He is much better than I am at the game because he beating me by 50 points currently. He messaged me and for some reason I answered.
Our conversation:
Charbel24: I'm sorry to be so vulgar, teat was just my best option.
Me: haha, no worries.
Charbel24: where are you from miss
Me: uk. what about you?
Charbel24: well you're going to have the upper hand with your impeccable English, surely. I'm from Australia myself. quite fasinated how global this game is
Me: haha, not really though.
Me: i'm actually from america but living in the uk SO yea
Charbel24: WELL THEN! way to start off our relationship with a big lie. I don't really know if we can be together now.
Me: HAHAH. it wasn't technically a lie cause i am in england right this very second. i'm not from here but i am here
Charbel24: ok I am willing to give us one last chance. don't make me regret it. I love you grace
Me: wow, that was deep. sad thing i don't even know your name
Charbel24: haha, well ill fill you in on a little secret, its Charlie. do i het your full name to Facebook stalk you now that we are head of heels?
Me: hmmmm... let me think about that
Me: give me yours first
Charbel24: come on I was sneaky first! I get the privilege of stalking you first
Me: who says i even have a Facebook. maybe i'm Amish...?
Charbel24: I should report your wordswithfriends addiction to your parents then grace
Me: HAHA. true face. okay i'm not Amish.
Me: is this what you do everytime you play wordswithfriends? classy.
Charbel24: no no not at all. I am usually too enthralled in trying to win! clearly if I did this often id be much more smooth ha
Me: nice, nice. how do I not know you are a 50 year old rapist and murderer? you know, i watch lots of crime shows and this is classic.
Charbel24: who said I'm not? I never denied it :) particularly my profile picture at the moment, very pado
Charbel24: Charlie Naim, have a peek
Charbel24: I never denied being a 50 year old rapist
Me: now i'm honestly scared for my life
Charbel24: :( I gave myself away too early
Me: so you are a 50 year old rapist...?
Charbel24: have a look and see. particularly my second profile pic

Proof that this conversation is true:

Our conversation is still continuing...