Thursday, June 16, 2011

Calling All Actors

I have been taking a class called Media Studies for the past few months. Since I came late, I was just put in a group with three other girls who had already began making the title sequence that was required as course work. Their film literally consisted of two girls walking through the mud and then the forest to find a scary old shack. They go into the shack and one goes to take a picture and when the flash goes off you see a person covered in blood on the floor. The photographer turns her head and does not see the girl leaving the suspense for the rest of the film. I couldn't find the real video, but here is a VERY good video for the same coursework:

Having witnessed that process (altough I wasn't there for the filming) I was inspired to make a similar video. Instead of doing just a title sequence, I would like to do a 5-8 minute short film. Random fact about me: when I am walking alone I get into a personal bubble that cannot be popped. I begin creating scenes in my head. After piecing these together, I have decided that I actually think I could do it. I could direct and produce my own short film. With the help of others' homes and acting skills, obviously. It would be very lost cost because, well, I'm don't have much money, but I think it would be a great experience. I have already written a short summary with camera directions and all. I have been researching how to write scripts and such, which has been fun. I am planning on doing this for the mandatory graduation project (or similar project) when I return in just 6 weeks (whoa). It will not be easily, I know, but I think I will learn a lot. My sister already owns a nice camcorder that I could hopefully borrow and if other people agree to act and help with small props, I really think this dream of mine is possible. If you have any suggestions or have time or skills to offer please comment below or email me and I will get back to you.
P.S. Another "inspiration" was this video. Amazing acting, camera shots, and storyline.

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