Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Changes in my life.

If you exclude my previous post,I haven't posted in nearly three weeks. Changes since that post:
(P.S. This is not any order)
My granddaddy passed away.

I visited North Carolina.
I wore shorts more than two days in a row.
Wore two new hairstyles.

Got new jewelry.
Flew over the Atlantic Ocean twice.
Had my room tepeed.
Vacuumed the downstairs of my house.
Ate at S&Ts.
Visited London.

Discovered the best (and funniest) YouTube Channel:
Became single.
Tried to follow brownie recipe directions from the said YouTube Channel.
Failed at making brownie off YouTube directions.
Ate Funfetti cake.
Turned 16.

Been to the second funeral of my lifetime.
Cried more than I have in months.
Slept on a water bed.
Dyed my hair.
Went to school for the first time in a month.
Saw my Grandma for the first time in four months.
Morphed into a tiger due to a spray tan mishap.
Began watching Friends obsessively.
Watched the Pretty Little Liars season premier.
Made a friend named Leah at a funeral.
Went to Pizza Inn for the first time.

Tried to break into a pool.
Saw my mom for the first time in 3 weeks.
Saw Pirates 4.
Watched X-Men.
Made my first online friend.
Got told I Love You by an Australian (see post: Charbel24)
Found of Charbel24 was about 10 years older than me
Went tubing.

Discovered how much fun Words With Friends is
Had to say goodbye to my friends AGAIN
Counted that I will be back in NC in 6 weeks
Fell in love with Chris Moerman
Typed this post.

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