Monday, February 21, 2011

to france!

On Saturday (today is Monday) my parents and I drove from Oxford, England to Dover, England to catch a ferry across the English Channel. We then continued to drive through France to Fontainebleau. We were intending the leave our apartment (I perfer flat- makes me feel more British) at 7:00am (oof!) but as occurs during any Shackelford Excursion, we did not leave until about 7:40. This did not put my parents in a good mood and in addition, it was raining. In the beginning, it was small drizzly raindrops but as we drove it became huge, can't-see-out-the-window raindrops. We drove. And drove. And drove. And then drove a bit longer. We arrived at the ferry port around 10:30 although our ferry was not suppose to leave for another hour and a half. For a cheap 10 pounds we changed to the 11 o'clock ferry, BUT I am sure you don't care. After riding the ferry, which made me feel sick, we arrived in France. At first everything was in English as well as French, but as we drove away from the coast it began solely French. So as we drove, we relied on my mom's four year of French...from high school. Somehow, we made it to Fontainebleau only getting lost about..ugh..four times. I was expecting it to be closer to ten times!

We did not arrive until 7:45pm. 12 hours to get from Oxford to Fontainbleau. It was rough! But we did it!

One of the best parts was when we are getting extremely hungry (after getting lost) we just pulled the car over and found: a bakery, a formage shop (cheese) and had a little picnic in the car! It was so good! We all got different bread and different cheese and just sampled.

One of the weirdest parts was that we have a British car (steering wheel is on the right) in France (steering wheel is suppose to be on the left) So everyone stares at our car. But, my mom really missed driving on the right side of the road. Small taste of home!

as they say in France,
Au revoir!


  1. They have whole shops dedictaed to CHEESE??!! Heaven on Earth!! Hope you are having fun, sounds stressful. :( I would suggest not trying to drive... does your permit even work over there? I think I would have "accidently" left mine at home *wink wink* :)

    Love ya!

  2. I miss you! Love the blog and the story!
