Saturday, March 26, 2011


A few days ago, my mother and I attended Wicked the Musical in London. It was spectacular!

Apollo Victoria Theatre
Elphaba and Glinda
We went to the Wednesday Matinee and had AMAZING seats: Row F and in the middle. Close AND in the center?! I honestly, don't think it gets any better(:
I wish I had been able to take pictures during the show, but that's like 100% illegal and I was not in the mood to get in trouble with the law.
The Emerald City<3

As soon as we returned home, I bought the Wicked Soundtrack off iTunes. Now I carry my iPod around in my pocket so I have constant Wicked playing wherever I go. It's amazing. Hearing the amazing voices of Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel makes me entirely jealous. Obviously, those aren't the people who played Glinda and Elphaba when I saw it (because they don't do it anymore) BUT that's who is recorded for the album because they were the stars when it began.
My favorite songs off the album:
  • No One Mourns the Wicked - played at the beginning and end
  • Defying Gravity - where Elphaba is pulled into the air
  • No Good Deed (Goes Unpunished) - where Elphaba is hoping that Fiyaro (her love) isn't dead
  • For Good - Elphaba and Glinda are talking about how "Who can say if I've been changed for better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good." I love that.
I could rant about Wicked for HOURS. But I won't(:

P.S. If you ever have the chance to see Wicked, DO IT. You won't regret it AT ALL!

1 comment:

  1. GAHHH I KNOWWW. I saw it at the Gershwin in NYC Sat & it was the best show of my lifeee!
